The speed at which your device receives digital data from the web. It is measured in megabits per seconds (Mbps).
The rate at which your device transfers digital data to the web. It is measured in megabits per seconds (Mbps).
The time it takes a data set to travel from your device to the internet server and back. It is measured in milliseconds (ms).
The inconsistency in the timing of data arrival when transmitted over a network. It is measured in milliseconds (ms).
The Internet Protocol address is a unique chain of characters that identifies an internet-connected device and its location.
The physical location of the server you connect to in order to use the speed test tool.
Network congestion and throttling are the main reasons for internet slowdown during peak hours. If you want to quickly troubleshoot or fix your slow internet, simply go through this guide.
Too many devices competing for bandwidth simultaneously can cause network congestion, which may lead to slower speeds for some internet connections.
Yes, outdates drivers, routers, and other older internet devices can negatively affect your entire network’s performance, slowing down speeds and performance.
Yes, placing your router in a central, elevated location in your house can result in consistent speeds and a stable Wi-Fi connection.
Harsh weather conditions like heavy rainfall, strong winds, and even high temperatures can lead to spotty Wi-Fi.
Your internet service provider may be throttling your connection if you experience a sudden drop in speeds during specific online activities or while trying to access certain websites. Run our speed test and compare results with your plan to know for sure.
Enter your zip code below to check the faster internet options available in your area.
A minimum internet speed of 25 Mbps is required for seamless 4K video streaming.
The best internet speed for remote work greatly depends on the following factors:
However, for optimal performance, an internet speed of 100 Mbps is considered ideal.
The factors mentioned below affect ping in online gaming:
Your speed test results show the download and upload speeds of your current connection, ping rate, and IP address.
You can run speed tests several times a day to actively monitor your connection’s performance because the results can differ depending on your location and time.
Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can be sent over a network at any moment. Speed, on the other hand, is the maximum rate at which data is transmitted. Both speed and bandwidth are measured in megabits per second (Mbps).
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